Sunday, December 12, 2010

MGT 3120

Oh, Management 3120 (three one two oh)!
And I don't wanna seem too slow,
But what's that mean: 3120 (three one two oh)?
I didn't sign up for pre-cal!
That's too damn hard! I wanna out!

"3" stands for pickles count.
Oh wait! Hold on! It wasn't three!
Eight! It was eight...with mac and cheese.
That's right! I know this kind of stuff.
I always eat my fries well done.

"1" is for once upon a time
I had your not so regular professor
He made me blog, create and write.
He made me shine in my own right.
Wait! Is he that Edward from "Twilight"?

So, what's with "2"?
2 me, 2 you, 2 him, 2 her
2 many 2s, I get confused!
I want just one 2!
2 damn hard! I cannot take it! What the F***?

The "0h" stands for the points I've earned.
For legos, jellos, on.
Not even five points have I earned!
Ashamed? Heartbroken? So what?
Thank God it was 3120 (three one two oh), not 000-00-00 (oh oh oh-oh oh-oh oh)

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