Sunday, December 12, 2010

MGT 3120

Oh, Management 3120 (three one two oh)!
And I don't wanna seem too slow,
But what's that mean: 3120 (three one two oh)?
I didn't sign up for pre-cal!
That's too damn hard! I wanna out!

"3" stands for pickles count.
Oh wait! Hold on! It wasn't three!
Eight! It was eight...with mac and cheese.
That's right! I know this kind of stuff.
I always eat my fries well done.

"1" is for once upon a time
I had your not so regular professor
He made me blog, create and write.
He made me shine in my own right.
Wait! Is he that Edward from "Twilight"?

So, what's with "2"?
2 me, 2 you, 2 him, 2 her
2 many 2s, I get confused!
I want just one 2!
2 damn hard! I cannot take it! What the F***?

The "0h" stands for the points I've earned.
For legos, jellos, on.
Not even five points have I earned!
Ashamed? Heartbroken? So what?
Thank God it was 3120 (three one two oh), not 000-00-00 (oh oh oh-oh oh-oh oh)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Blog. Blogolicious. Blogster. Blogstrous.

The question of the day: did I enjoy our blog assignments? Were they useful?
Well, let's be honest, I've always wanted to write a blog about something...anything. I have so many thoughts and ideas in my head. I just want to put them out there and make some room for something else :) I have always wanted to have a journal, but laziness prevailed. I am not talking about my personal  journal where I would reveal my darkest, deepest secrets (hell no! for that I'm gonna write a book later in life j/k), but the one that anybody could read and get to know me better, agree or disagree with me, share their wisdom/knowledge. I want to write about the song I have just heard and fell in love with, about todays sh***y weather, about my job, about  my childhood, about this weird guy I saw today on my way to school (and took a picture of him when he wasn't looking). I guess, I just want to express myself.

So, here is the answer to my "question of the day": yes, I liked our blog assignments. It gave me that push, the motivation that I need to start WRITING (it's not like I want to be a writer, though. It makes a good hobby)! I NEED deadlines, damn it! As much as hard working and persistent I am, if I dont have any deadlines, I feel like I won't accomplish much.
Also, this blog was a great communication tool. I got to know so many classmates just by reading their blogs and exchanging comments! Its like a facebook of MGT 3120. We got to share our class experience and learn from each other. Through this assignments we got a chance to learn about management in a "playful" way, just by interacting with each other and writing about live experience in class. We learned about team work not only by memorizing the definition of what "team work" in a business setting is, but also by accomplishing some extra credit assignments in class. It was also very motivating to know that I can control 20% of the grade just by doing what I enjoy the most: expressing myself and putting my thoughts on "paper".
I will, definitely, continue to blog about life...may be not as often (because I won't have any deadlines), but I ll try to post something interesting once in a while.
Thank you Professor!