Monday, October 4, 2010

Monster Egg !

We destroyed our Monster EGG !
Honestly, I wasn't shocked. We had too many strong individuals in our group giving all kinds of different ideas. We were too overwhelmed with the process of brain storming and struggled to listen to each other. 
We managed to accomplish a few steps while working on this project. We definitely went through with the first step and defined our goals and objectives. We were very careful with the time planning and understood our deadlines. Step 2 was a little bit shaky since we didn't identify group strengths that would work in our favor and group weaknesses that could hold us back. We skipped step 2 and went to step 3 right away. We generated a whole bunch of alternative scenarios for what may happen. Once we were done with this we went for step 4: analyzed all the alternatives that we had and picked, to our mind, the best one. Although, we accomplished that part, we failed to assign roles and failed to pick the leader of the group (BIGGEST MISTAKE!). Step 5 was a mess! Despite the fact that we picked the best plan and all agreed on it, all of a sudden it didn't seem that perfect when we tried to implement it...and we started panicking and pulling the egg in different directions! 


Our group didn't pick the leader- it was the crucial mistake. We needed leader, mostly, to guide the process and allocate roles throughout the team- we didn't accomplish that. Though, we were good with our deadlines and generating alternative scenarios, but when the time was up our team started panicking and pulling that poor little egg in different directions, trying to perfect the "egg construction". This chaos made our tortured egg break even before the competition started and we were disqualified. What a.... disappointment!
I still think that we had a good chance in winning. The construction was pretty smart (after tons of discussions we, finally, agreed on one design that we all seemed to like and approve of); and seemed like it could keep our egg from breaking....seemed like it.
I still can't believe we smashed the egg with our own hands...damn it! :) oh well, we live and learn...


  1. Is this blog post really responsive to the assignment? Maybe you;d like to revisit this?

    --prof K

  2. with such stong personalitys it is always hard to find a leader becasue you think everyone has the right qualities. i think that is one of the hardest things to do when assinging group rolls. more then one person is seemingly persfect for one roll and then waht do you do?

    i think that was part of the problems in my group. there were two or three people who would have been right for the job and instead of taking charge everyone just kinda sat back and waited to see what the others were going to do.

    its to bad that we will never know how well it worked out.
